by Vladimir Toropov Vladimir Toropov

DNA storage involves developing artificial molecules that can be stored for thousands of years and packing petabytes of data into one gram of substance. This sounds strange. However, it is possible. Several companies are already working on this technology.

This is an innovative method of storing digital data using synthetic DNA molecules. DNA, the molecule that encodes genetic information in living organisms, can store vast amounts of data in a compact and durable form. Researchers have been exploring DNA as a potential storage medium due to its incredible information density and long-term stability.

How does DNA storage work?

The technology works as follows. There are several important aspects of this technology. They are summarized below.

How DNA storage works

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1. Encoding data

Digital data, such as text, images, or files, is converted into a sequence of DNA bases (adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine). A specific combination of DNA bases represents each binary data digit (bit). For example, ’00’ might be represented by adenine (A) and cytosine (C), while ’11’ might be represented by guanine (G) and thymine (T).

2. Synthesizing DNA

Once the data is encoded into DNA sequences, synthetic biology techniques are used to physically synthesize DNA molecules with the specified sequences in the laboratory. These synthesized DNA strands represent the digital data in a form that can be stored and manipulated.

3. Storing DNA

The synthesized DNA molecules are then stored in a suitable medium, such as a test tube or microchip. DNA is inherently stable and can last thousands of years under the right conditions, making it an ideal candidate for long-term data storage.

4. Retrieving, sequencing and decoding data

When the stored data needs to be accessed, the DNA molecules are extracted from the storage medium and sequenced using DNA sequencing technology. The DNA sequences are decoded back into digital data using algorithms and software, allowing the original information to be retrieved.

DNA storage advantages

The technology offers several advantages over traditional storage methods:

High Information Density

DNA molecules can store massive amounts of data in a tiny volume. A single gram of DNA is theoretically capable of storing terabytes to petabytes of data, far surpassing the capacity of current storage technologies.

Long-Term Stability of DNA storage

DNA is inherently stable and can survive thousands of years without degradation when stored in appropriate conditions, making it well-suited for archival storage applications.

Low Energy Consumption

Unlike electronic storage devices, Deoxyribonucleic acid storage does not require constant power to maintain data integrity, resulting in lower energy consumption and environmental impact.

DNA storage laboratory

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While Deoxyribonucleic acid storage holds great promise, it is still in the early stages of development, and several technical and practical challenges need to be addressed before it becomes commercially viable. These challenges include the high cost of DNA synthesis and sequencing, the slow speed of DNA sequencing compared to electronic data retrieval, and the need for standardized protocols and infrastructure for Deoxyribonucleic acid storage and retrieval.

Nonetheless, ongoing research and advancements in synthetic biology and DNA sequencing technology continue to push the boundaries of what is possible with Deoxyribonucleic acid-based storage, offering exciting prospects for the future of data storage.

Companies developing DNA storage technology

Several companies and research institutions are actively involved in developing Deoxyribonucleic acid storage technology. Some notable players in this field include:

Twist Bioscience

Twist Bioscience is a leading synthetic biology company specializing in DNA synthesis and manufacturing. They offer DNA synthesis services and custom DNA products for various applications, including Deoxyribonucleic acid-based storage.

Catalog Technologies

Catalog Technologies is a startup focused on commercializing the technology. They are developing proprietary methods for encoding, storing, and retrieving digital data using synthetic DNA molecules.


Microsoft Research has been actively researching this technology as part of its efforts to explore new storage technologies for the digital age. They have collaborated with academic institutions and other companies to advance the field of DNA storage.

DNA Script

DNA Script is a biotechnology company that develops enzymatic DNA synthesis technology. While they primarily focus on applications in biotechnology and therapeutics, their technology could also have implications for DNA data storage.

ETH Zurich

Academic institutions like ETH Zurich also research Deoxyribonucleic acid storage technology. Researchers at ETH Zurich and other universities are working on developing new methods for encoding, synthesizing, and reading DNA data to advance the field of Deoxyribonucleic acid storage.


These are just a few examples of companies and organizations involved in Deoxyribonucleic acid storage technology development. The field is rapidly evolving, with ongoing research efforts to address technical challenges and realize DNA’s full potential as a digital data storage medium.